Check out all our FAQs. Click on the question to display the answer. If you don't see an answer to your question, please CONTACT US.
chevron_rightWhat are the amenities at Yachtsman's Point? The amenities at Yachtsman’s Point are designed for people who enjoy the beauty of nature, a healthy lifestyle, and a strong sense of community. We offer four pickleball courts, a tennis court, swimming pool and bathhouse, a large gazebo with grill for entertaining, a smaller lakeside gazebo, a boardwalk and walking trail, secure boat storage, and four beautiful ponds and fountains. While not an amenity of the YPHOA, there is also a privately-owned marina located within Yachtsman's Point where you can rent a boat slip or launch your boat.
chevron_rightAre there guidelines for their use? YPHOA facilities and common areas are amenities for the aesthetics of the community and the exclusive use by lot owners, their families and guests.
- All amenities should be kept clean and safe. If using the pool, courts, or gazebos, all food and drink containers should always be placed in the trash receptacle before leaving.
- No trash should be left on the walking trail.
- Any unauthorized access to the amenities and common areas will be considered trespassing and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
- The Board has the authority to restrict use of the amenities to lot owners found to be delinquent in paying a monetary obligation to YPHOA or violating the CCRs and community rules and regulations.
- With the exception of the pool and walking trail, lot owners must be with their guests when enjoying the amenities.
- Children and guests of any owner do not have and cannot extend amenity use privileges to others.
- The gazebos can be reserved for family functions.
- The pool and tennis/pickleball courts have specific rules. The rules can be found within the Governing Documents section of this website.
Don’t hesitate to question an unknown party to see if they are lot owners. If they are not and they are using our facilities, the Sheriff can be called for trespassers. It is up to community members to help protect our amenities
Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
chevron_rightHow do I find out what the rules are for building a home or making improvements? The YPHOA has developed the Architectural and General Property Rules and Requirements that specify everything you need to know about building or making improvements to a home in Yachtsman’s Point. They can be accessed in the Documents section of the website.
chevron_rightWhat is the ARC? To assure community consistency and provide support to residents building new homes or making improvements, the YPHOA has an Architectural Review Committee that reviews all building in the neighborhood. The ARC, comprised of residents of Yachtsman’s Point, is designed to review, approve, reject or suggest changes to construction/improvement plans. This process helps to protect property owners’ investments and maintain the natural beauty of the neighborhood. The ARC follows specific Architectural Review Rules and Requirements when reviewing plans.
chevron_rightHow do I contact the ARC? Members of the ARC can be reached via email at yphoa.arc@gmail.com. Written correspondence and documents should be mailed to:Yachtsman’s Point ARC831 Scout RoadLexington, NC 27292
chevron_rightWhy must I submit forms to the ARC for approval prior to building my house? Submitting the ARC forms helps to ensure that new construction and home improvements in the neighborhood conform to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (DCCRs) and Architectural Rules and Requirements, two of the YPHOA governing documents. This process provides you with assurance that the YPHOA will not ask you to make any changes to your property after you have already completed the work.
chevron_rightWhat are the house size requirements? Each single-family dwelling must have an enclosed, heated living area (exclusive of open porches, garages, and other unheated spaces) of not less than two thousand four hundred (2,400) square feet for waterfront lots and two thousand (2,000) square feet for all other lots. The square footages are measured above grade and do not include any finished or unfinished basement areas or other unfinished above grade spaces.
chevron_rightWhy must I obtain approval before making improvements to my property? Any permanent improvement to the exterior of your home must be approved by the ARC before work is begun. This is to assure that you will not be asked to go back and make any changes in order to comply with the DCC&Rs or Architectural Rules. Examples of improvements that must go through this process include outbuildings, extensions/additions, gazebos, changes to your driveway, fences, patios, house painting, swimming pools, etc. For many improvements, you may also need to obtain a permit from the county. When in doubt, contact ARC first to see if approval is needed for your home improvement project.
chevron_rightI am painting my house. Do I need ARC approval? Any planned exterior painting regardless of the dollar cost of labor and materials must be submitted to the ARC for review and evaluation before any new paint is applied to the house. The ARC submittal must include a sample of the proposed colors.
chevron_rightI want to make exterior improvements to my home. How do I get approval? If an exterior project is planned for your home, you will need to submit the Architectural Request Form #3 in advance of any work being done. Depending on the complexity of the project, ARC approval could take up to 45 days so be sure to leave adequate time. The form can be found in the Documents section of the website within the Architectural Rules and Requirements.
chevron_rightCan I change the landscape design of my property? New home construction requires the submission of landscape plans to the ARC. If you currently live in your house and are planning a major landscape redesign that will involve heavy equipment, you should contact ARC first. You do not need ARC approval, however, to plant a few additional shrubs, flowers, or trees.
chevron_rightFor child entertainment, what can I have in my yard? All plans for play structures (defined as swing sets, jungle gyms, and similar outdoor apparatus) must be submitted to the ARC for review according to the following guidelines: they must be of natural wood and color, must not exceed a maximum of 12 feet, and must be located to minimize visibility from the street.
chevron_rightAre there restrictions regarding the installation of swimming pools? No permanent above-ground pool shall be allowed or approved by the ARC on any lot. Temporary, inflatable pools are permitted. Permanent swimming pools require ARC approval before installation begins.
chevron_rightAre there restrictions regarding temporary residences? No trailer, truck, van, mobile home, tent, camper, barn, garage, or other outbuilding or temporary structure parked or erected on lots in Yachtsman’s Point may be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any structure of a temporary character be used as a residence. This does not include pop-up tents being used for children's play.l
chevron_rightCan we put a tent up in our yard for a few days? Yes, you can put a tent in your backyard for a few days. Enjoy the fresh air! Obviously, noise control would apply as it does under all circumstances.
chevron_rightWhat happens if I do not have ARC approval? Failure to submit the ARC forms and receive approval prior to making improvements to your property or landscaping may result in a fine.
Assessments/HOA Dues
chevron_rightHow much is the annual assessment? Currently, the annual assessment is $900/year.
chevron_rightHow do I pay my assessment? Homeowners can pay by mail, telephone, bank draft, or credit card.1. Pay by mail: Send payment to PO Box 52984, Phoenix, AZ 85072-2984. Make checks payable to YPHOA and print your AMG account number on the check.2. Online payments: To set up an online payment, log into www.amgworld.com/fees to make:
- A one-time eCheck payment (free service)
- Establish a recurring monthly bank draft (free service)
- Pay by credit card once or on a recurring basis (a small convenience fee applies)
3. Pay by telephone: Simply call (866) 729-5327. Telephone payments can be one time or set up on a recurring basis (a small convenience fee applies).When paying online or by telephone, you will be asked your:- Management company ID – 4543
- Property ID – 765
- Account number – if you do not have your account number, call (336) 273-8600
chevron_rightI have a question about my account or billing. How do I contact the management company? Submit billing questions to Dave Hebert at dhebert@amgworld.com or (336) 273-8600.
chevron_rightWhen am I billed? Annual assessments are announced in November, notices mailed in mid-December, and payment due by January 31.
chevron_rightWhat is the late fee? Late fees are assessed beginning March 1st in the amount of $20.00/month until paid in full.
chevron_rightWhat do the assessment fees cover? Assessments are used to pay:
- the operating and administrative expenses of the Association;
- the costs of maintenance, upkeep replacement and repair of all recreational areas, and improvements located thereon, and all streets, roads, road right-of ways and other Common Property; and
- other expenses necessary or useful to maintain and operate the Association and the recreational facilities (including, without limitation, the procuring, maintenance and paying the costs for insurance related to the Common Property and of surety and other bonds related to the management of the Common Property and the Association).
Burning Leaves & Brush
chevron_rightCan I burn leaves and brush in my yard? North Carolina has specific open burning rules. The rule prohibits much outdoor burning and sets conditions for allowable fires. Under the rule, it is always illegal to burn trash and other non-vegetative materials. Construction debris must be removed and may not be burned on the property. Leave, branches, and other plant growth can be burned under certain conditions. Fines for violators can be expensive.
- You can obtain an open burn permit at https://www.ncforestservice.gov/burn_permits/burn_standard.asp
- Call the Southmont Fire Department at 336.798.1111 if you have questions or concerns.
At no time should a fire be left unattended. Complete dousing at burn’s end is required. Please be mindful of excessive smoke impacting neighbors and weather conditions, i.e. dryness and wind.
Fishing & Ponds
chevron_rightHow many ponds are there in Yachtsman's Point? The YPHOA has four ponds in the common areas: Scout Road beside the pool, Spinnaker Court, Admirals, and Boardwalk. These ponds are for the exclusive enjoyment and use of YPHOA members.
chevron_rightIs swimming and fishing allowed in the ponds? Swimming is not allowed in any of the community ponds. No fishing is permitted at any of the ponds except Spinnaker Pond (see special restrictions in next question). Lot owners are prohibited from drawing water from any pond for any purpose including, but not limited to, irrigation.
chevron_rightWhen can I fish in Spinnaker Pond? Fishing is permitted in Spinnaker Pond only by rod and reel, pole or hook and line by members in good standing of the Association and their families and guests (who must be accompanied by a member) during daylight hours only. No seining or trapping of fish is permitted.
chevron_rightCan I put a boat on Spinnaker Pond? The only permitted boats on Spinnaker Pond are sail boards, sail boats, canoes, row boats, paddle boats, or boats powered by electric motors all of which shall be less than 14 feet. No gasoline or liquid powered engines shall be used in any way on the pond.
- Access is limited to the access easement areas and the surface waters of the pond. No trespassing is allowed upon the lands adjoining the pond without the express consent of such landowner.
No piers are permitted on Spinnaker Pond. (DCCRs, Article VI, Section 2) -
chevron_rightCan dogs swim in the ponds? The current DCCRs state that no swimming shall be permitted within the ponds. The YPHOA applies this restriction to both humans and animals for safety reasons. Each pond has electrical wiring and ropes that keep the fountains in place, thereby creating a potential hazard for both human and animal swimmers.There are no restrictions for dogs swimming in High Rock Lake; however, we encourage you to practice caution. Make sure that your dog is a strong swimmer and accustomed to water. The lake can be full of dangers – blue-green algae and fishing equipment are only two of them. Bring fresh water for your dog to drink and rinse its fur and ears after swimming.
Gazebo Rental
chevron_rightCan I reserve one of the gazebos for a family reunion? Yes, you can. There is no charge for reserving the gazebos, but you are expected to leave the gazebo area clean when you are done. To reserve either the poolside gazebo or the smaller lakeside gazebo, simply complete the Gazebo Request Form available on the Requests section of this website.
chevron_rightDo the gazebos have electricity, tables, and chairs? The poolside gazebo has three ceiling fans, electrical outlets, and black wrought iron tables and seating. A grilling area is also available next to the gazebo. The lakeside gazebo does not currently have any electric or furniture – just a beautiful view of the lake.
General Questions
chevron_rightAre clotheslines allowed? No outside clotheslines are permitted.
chevron_rightAre home-based businesses allowed? Home-based business is allowed following the Davidson County zoning laws:
- Use of the dwelling by the home occupation is limited to twenty-five percent or 500 square feet, whichever is less.
- Only residents of the home shall engage in the home occupation.
- No internal or external alterations inconsistent with the residential use of the building are allowed.
- No equipment or process shall be used in the home occupation that creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors or electrical interference detectable to normal senses at the lot line.
- On premises sale and delivery of goods which are not products of the home occupation are prohibited.
chevron_rightWhat is the best practice when walking or riding my bike in the neighborhood? When on a road, bicyclists must ride on the right side of the road, close to the road edge and in single file. Walkers and joggers must remain on the left side of the road, facing traffic. Exceptions to these rules can be made to avoid an unsafe condition. It should be noted that Yachtsman’s Point has a lovely, wooded walkway connecting Starboard Reach and Boardwalk that makes a wonderful place for walking and jogging.
chevron_rightWhat are the noise regulations? Noise should be kept to a minimum throughout the neighborhood. Owners and occupants shall exercise reasonable care to avoid making or permitting to be made loud, disturbing, or objectionable noises such as dogs barking, playing or permitting to be used amplifiers and any other musical instruments, radios, electronic musical devices, televisions, and any other instrument or device in such manners as may unreasonably disturb the community.Tool use, such as chain saws, diesel engines, etc. during late night hours, after dusk, or before 7:00 am on weekdays and 9:00 am on weekends is prohibited.
chevron_rightAre there restrictions on antennas, towers, or satellite dishes? Visible antennas and towers are not allowed. Satellite dishes must be concealed from view from all lots and open spaces. The design of such enclosures must be approved prior to erection by the ARC. (DCCR's, Article VI, q)
chevron_rightAre the common areas of Yachtsman's Point smoke-free? Yes, they are. No smoking is permitted in any of Yachtsman’s Point’s common areas including the pool, walking trail/boardwalk, gazebos, courts, ponds, and surrounding common areas. Smoking near and around the community amenities and on common areas will be considered a violation, and fines will be assessed. The first line of enforcement is self-policing.
chevron_rightI need to fill a portable storage pod. Is there anything I need to do before it arrives? Lot owners must receive ARC approval prior to installing or using a temporary storage unit. Use of the storage unit is limited to the period of time a valid construction permit exists, or 30 days without a valid construction permit in accordance with Davidson County provisions.
chevron_rightAre there requirements on the placement of house numbers? If your home is more than 75 feet from the roadway, Davidson County Ordinance for Address Display requires that the house numbers be at least 3 “ and be displayed at the end of the driveway either as a decorative sign or on a mailbox. If your home is less than 75 feet from the road and you opt not to have a mailbox or do not provide a decorative sign at the road, house numbers on the house must be at least 4” and easily seen from the road. Please comply with these requirements as it is a major safety issue.
chevron_rightAre there regulations on grass mowing? Properties with homes are required to keep the grass at 6” or below. Undeveloped open lots must comply with the field “open lot” mowing schedule set each year by the Board. The mowing reminder is sent to lot owners with undeveloped “open lots.”The owner of properties or lots not in compliance will receive a written notice. After 30 days written notice, the Association can cause the work to be performed on the lot to bring it into compliance. The Association shall then have the right to bill the property owner for the actual cost of mowing the grass. (DCCR, Article 2, Section 5 c)The YPHOA provides mowing services for the 20-foot right-of-way along the street and all common areas.
chevron_rightWhat do I do if the streetlight near my house goes out? YPHOA has 87 streetlights now identified with numbered tags. If a streetlamp is burnt out or lighting sporadically, report its malfunction to Dave Hebert with the lamppost number.If a light is not numbered and is not working, just put a visible marking on the post (e.g., a wide string or rope) and email Dave Hebert with an approximate address. AMG will call in a work order repair request.
chevron_rightI have a complaint. Whom do I contact? Contact Dave Hebert, AMG community manager, at dhebert@amgworld.com or 336-273-8600.
chevron_rightWhat areas does the YPHOA maintain? The Yachtsman’s Point Homeowners’ Association (YPHOA) is required by the community’s covenants to adequately maintain all infrastructure and common areas of the community. Among these assets are: roadways, ponds, fountains, undeveloped common areas, irrigation system, the three entrances, landscaping, street lighting, gazebos, walkway, pool and bathhouse, and tennis/pickleball courts.
chevron_rightDoes the HOA reseed the 20-foot roadway grass area in front of each house, or do the residents need to do that? The HOA landscape contractor takes care of routine reseeding and mowing of the 20-foot roadway grass. If, however, you are having work done on your property that involves the movement of heavy equipment or other actions that damage the grassy area, the property owner is responsible for reseeding.
Getting Involved
chevron_rightI am a new resident. How can I get involved in the community? One of the best aspects of Yachtsman’s Point living is how easy it is to meet like-minded people and make new friends. Whether it is serving on the YPHOA Board or one of the many committees or simply participating in one of the monthly social activities, it is easy to find something to do and get to know neighbors with similar interests. Wine Downs on Friday evening at the Gazebo, neighborhood holiday get-togethers, ice cream socials, low-country boils, community yard sales, book clubs, golf outings, and pickleball games are just a few of the ways in which you can get involved at Yachtsman’s Point. The Social Committee is always creating new ideas to get residents and their families together for a lot of fun. Be sure to read the monthly newsletter to keep up-to-date with what is going on in the neighborhood. Visit the website often to stay abreast of upcoming events and activities. Monitor the message board to see what folks are asking and talking about!
Homeowners Association
chevron_rightWho is our AMG Community Manager and how do I contact him? Dave Hebert serves as the YPHOA Community Manager from AMG. He can be contacted by email at dhebert@amgworld.com or (336) 273-8600.
chevron_rightWhat is a Homeowner's Association? A Homeowner's Association is a non-profit corporation registered with the State and managed by a duly elected Board of Directors. Its purpose is to maintain all common areas and to govern the community in accordance with the provision of the legal documents: Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions (DCCRs), Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, and Community Rules. The governing legal documents for the Yachtsman’s Point Homeowners Association may be viewed online within the Governing Documents section of this website. The corporation is financially supported by all members of the Homeowners Association. Membership is both automatic and mandatory.
chevron_rightIs membership in the YPHOA required of Yachtsman’s Point homeowners? Yes. The deed for each property in Yachtsman’s Point ties the lot to the HOA Master Declaration. When you sign the deed of ownership for your property, you become a member of the Yachtsman’s Point HOA. This inclusion of YPHOA membership into the deed was planned by the developer so that all homes would be part of the YPHOA.
chevron_rightWhat are the Governing Documents of a Homeowners’ Association (HOA)? All Property Owners Associations derive the basic legal authority for their existence, activities, and actions from state statutes (laws) and certain legal documents:o Articles of Incorporationo Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (DCC&Rs)o By-Lawso RulesYou can find copies of each of the YPHOA Governing Documents on the Documents page.
chevron_rightWhat are the Articles of Incorporation? The Articles of Incorporation formally:o Bring the Corporation (HOA) into existenceo Define the basic purpose and powers of the Corporationo Indicate there will be a Board of Directors and may identify the initial BoardYou can find a copy of the YPHOA Articles of Incorporation within the Governing Documents section of this website.
chevron_rightWhat are the Association By-Laws? The By-Laws are the guidelines for the operation of a homeowners’ association. They establish the structure of day-to-day governance of the HOA. This includes things like definitions, membership and property rights, meeting of members, executive board selection and term of office, powers and duties of the executive board, officers and their duties, committees, and assessments.
chevron_rightWhat is the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (DCC&Rs)? The underlying document of a property owners association, apart from state law, is the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (DCC&Rs). The Declaration is the constitutional law of the association. The Declaration defines the limits and inclusions of ownership for the owners and the association. As a legal entity the association is better prepared to pursue certain business needs, such as entering contracts, raising funds, filing liens, and collecting fees in a foreclosure.Yachtsman’s Point DCC&Rs cover the rights and obligations of the homeowners’ association to its members and vice versa. The DCC&Rs cover legal issues, such as:o Rights and Duties of the Association and Property Owners Assessmento Membership, Voting Rights, Officers and Meetingso Architectural Controlo General Use RestrictionsA sixty-seven percent (67%) vote by the membership is required to modify the DCC&Rs.The YPHOA DCCRs were recorded by the Davidson County recorder's office and are included in the title to your property. Failure to abide by the DCCRs may result in a fine to a homeowner by the Association. You can find copies of the YPHOA DCC&R's within the Documents section of this website.
chevron_rightWhat are the YPHOA Rules and Requirements? The YPHOA has two sets of rules and requirements: the Architectural and General Property Rules and the Recreational Facility Rules and Requirements. These rules address some items that are not covered in the Bylaws or DCC&Rs. These are often the procedures or practices that might need revising over time due to changes in the community.. They include such items as Architectural Review Rules, Pool Rules, Court Rules, Property Rules and Boat Storage Rules.The rules and requirements can be changed by an HOA board vote with review by the members of the community. Traditionally, the Board will adopt a rule then send a notice to the community members who will have 30 days to review it. After 30 days, the Board will review the comments and concerns of members, considering the members’ feedback in the final decision. You can find copies of the YPHOA Rules and Requirements within the Documents section of this website.
chevron_rightWhen are YPHOA meetings? The Annual YPHOA Homeowners’ meeting is usually held early in November. You will receive a formal notice via mail as required by our By-Laws, as well as e-mail notification as it draws near. In addition, the Board conducts additional update meetings during the year, usually one in the spring and one in the summer.The Board of Directors meets monthly. The committees meet on varied schedules.
chevron_rightWhat committees does the YPHOA have that I could join? There are currently nine committees from which to choose.o Architectural Review Committeeo Finance Committeeo Recreational Facilities Committeeo Community Enhancement Committeeo Community Safety and Traffic Calming Committeeo Social Committeeo Infrastructure and Roads Committeeo Nominating Committeeo Website and Communications CommitteeAdditional information on the committees can be found within the HOA section of this website.
chevron_rightWhat role does the Association Management Group (AMG) play? The YPHOA has hired AMG to assist in providing certain administrative, data processing, bookkeeping, and fiscal services. AMG handles the collection and oversight of member assessments and payment of invoices.
chevron_rightWhat are community inspections? Neighborhood inspections are conducted periodically throughout the year to ensure that property owners are maintaining the beauty, safety, and cleanliness of Yachtsman’s Point. AMG staff conduct the inspections based on a checklist prepared by the YPHOA Board.
chevron_rightWhen are they conducted? They are conducted two-three times a year. Residents are informed in advance of the inspections.
chevron_rightWill the inspectors enter my yard or house? No, the inspectors will only observe what they can see from the street.
chevron_rightWhat do the inspectors look for? The inspectors are primarily looking for any unkempt or ill-maintained features related to your lawn/landscape, exterior of your home, and other exterior items such as fences, sheds, driveways, etc. that are visible from the street. Property owners are given the list of items that the inspectors use prior to the inspections. If the inspection results in any findings, the property owner will receive a letter outlining the issues and will be given a designated amount of time to correct the problem. Failure to correct the issue can result in fines.
chevron_rightAre there specific mailboxes I must use? Yes, YPHOA specifies certain mailbox models. To arrange for purchase and installation, contact:Carolina Mailbox, Inc.3428Vane Court – Suite CCharlotte, NC 28206877-845-0850cmb@carolinamailboxes.comRequest the Lexington model
Marine Facilities and Information
chevron_rightDoes the YPHOA offer boat storage? Yes, a locked, fenced boat storage area is located behind the pool off Scout Road. The primary purpose is to provide dedicated space for storing boats, boat trailers (not exceeding 30’), watercrafts and recreational vehicles for the exclusive use of its members. A yearly fee of $60 is assessed to all who are assigned a space. A boat storage request form is located under the Requests and Reservations section of this website.Boat storage has 64 marked spaced for assignment, a water faucet for washing and an 100V AC power outlet. Access to boat storage is controlled with a combination lock. The combination is provided with space assignment and should not be shared with non-YPHOA members.
chevron_right Does Yachtsman’s Point have a boat marina and boat launch area? Skipjack Harbor is a privately-owned marina the operates within Yachtsman’s Point at 904 Scout Road. The marina is not owned or operated by the YPHOA. Yachtsman’s Point residents can launch their watercraft from Skipjack after receiving a gate access card for $25. You can also rent boat slips, pontoon boats and kayaks there. You can contact Skipjack Harbor at 336-798-5225.Please note that Skipjack Harbor, however, does not allow Yachtsman’s Point residents to leave their boat trailers parked in their lot while you are on the water. After launching your boat, you may park your trailer and vehicle either at the YP boat storage (if you rent a space there) or at the designated parking area in front of the YP poolside pond. If parking in front of the pond, you need to obtain a parking hangtag for your vehicle. To do so, complete the boat trailer parking request form.There is also a free public boat launch area less than ½ mile from Yachtsman’s Point on Wildlife Recreation Access Rd.
chevron_right Is there a boat tow service on the lake? Call TOW BOAT US at 919-303-1669.
chevron_rightWhere can I check on lake levels and other pertinent information? A great resource is the High Rock Lake Association at https://hrla.com/. Another good resource is Cube Hydro Carolinas at http://cubecarolinas.com/high-rock/.
Motor Vehicles
chevron_rightWhat is the speed limit in Yachtsman’s Point? The speed limit is 25 MPH. Since Yachtsman’s Point does not have sidewalks, walkers and joggers use our streets quite frequently so it is extremely important to observe the posted speed limit signs. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to ensure that contractors, vendors, and guests are made aware of the importance of observing the speed limit when visiting the neighborhood. Additionally, wildlife including deer, geese and wild turkeys are frequent travelers on our roads so extreme caution should be practiced for our feathered neighbors.
chevron_rightWhat are the parking regulations in Yachtsman’s Point? Vehicles, machinery, and equipment may not be parked so as to obstruct passage, ingress, or egress of other vehicles or persons on the property.
- On-street parking can pose a hazard for proper traffic flow. Homeowners should take traffic flow issues under consideration when planning events that require guest parking on the streets.
- Inoperable vehicles or vehicles without current registration must be stored out of sight, e.g., inside a garage.
- Small utility trailers should be parked to minimize visibility from the road and front yard of the lot.
- Parking on the greenway beside the street is not allowed.
chevron_rightWhat types of vehicles cannot be parked in Yachtsman’s Point? The following commercial vehicles, with or without commercial writing, are not permitted to be kept in sight at the residence.· Tractors, box trucks, step vans, and tractor trailers;· Vehicles used for work or commercial purposes with equipment or supplies mounted on their exterior such as ladders, piping, related tools; and· Any vehicle licensed for commercial purposes.Smaller commercial vehicles that display commercial writing are permitted only if they are parked in an enclosed garage.Collector/antique vehicles that display current registration and are typical of passenger vehicles are permitted. Collector/antique vehicles that are special use with or without current registration must be kept in an enclosed garage or stored outside of Yachtsman’s Point.Recreation vehicles cannot be parked or stored at any residence for more than five (5) days without ARC approval. Due to the relative size of these vehicles, they are not permitted to be parked or stored on the street.
chevron_rightDo homeowners need to have parking permits for the common areas? At the current time, the only parking permits that are required are for boat trailers that are being temporarily parked in the designated area in front of the poolside pond after boats are launched from Skipjack Harbor across the street. No overnight parking of your vehicle and boat trailer is permitted in this area. To apply for a boat trailer permit, complete the form located under the Requests tab.
chevron_rightAre golf carts allowed on the streets? Yachtsman’s Point residents may drive their golf carts on the streets. Drivers must observe the speed limit and practice extreme caution.
chevron_rightAre ATVs or dirt bikes allowed on the streets? All-terrain vehicles must be stored where not visible by others. No lot owner/resident or guest shall operate ATVs (three or four wheelers) or dirt bikes on any YPHOA common areas and must observe the posted speed limits. Bothersome behavior shall be reported to AMG, in writing, for further consideration of restricted activity.
Pets and Wildlife
chevron_rightWhat kinds of pets can I have? No animals except dogs, cats, and other indoor pets may be kept on any lot. (DCCRs, Article VI, m)
- Dogs must be kept on a leash or confined within the owner’s property.
- If any pets become a general nuisance, restrictive action will be taken. All animals shall be the exclusive responsibility of the owner of the home.
- The owner is responsible for clean-up of the animal’s waste products immediately. Dog owners are required to curb their pets. In case of an accident, dog excrements must be removed with scoops from sidewalks, driveways, and green areas.
- The animal’s owner shall control barking dogs. Complaints received by the Board regarding a barking dog could result in violation with penalty and/or removal of the dog at the owner’s expense.
chevron_rightMay I feed the deer and geese? No. Residents are not to feed the wildlife or take measures that would attract or encourage further growth in their populations.
Pool Use
chevron_rightWhat do I need to know about using the pool? Each lot owner is responsible for the behavior of their family and guests when using the pool and/or any YPHOA community amenity. Lot owners are not required to accompany their family or guests to the pool; however, they must be in close proximity in case of health, safety or emergency issues.o Pool access cards should not be shared to provide entrance to a pool user who “forgot” or does not have his/her own access card.o YPHOA is not responsible and shall not be liable for any damages arising from personal injury sustained by the owner, family or guests.o There is no lifeguard on duty. Family and friends swim at their own risk.o No animals or pets are allowed in the pool or on the deck.o YPHOA is a smoke-free community on common property. That means there is no smoking at the pool, gazebo, and other common area amenities.o The pool hours of operation are 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM.o Your pool card will not work before or after these hours so plan accordingly.
chevron_rightHow do I get a pool card? If you bought an existing home, the previous homeowner should have forwarded you the pool card at the closing. If the card was misplaced, you will be charged a $30 replacement fee.If you are a new resident, you can submit a pool card request form which is located under Requests and Reservations on this website. There is no charge for the initial card.
chevron_rightIs there Wi-Fi at the pool? Yes, we have Wi-Fi at the pool. Finding the network is sometimes finicky and best acquired near the pool house. Look to join network YP_GUEST_5. The password is yp_guest.
chevron_rightAre the roads within Yachtsman’s Point controlled by the state or county? The Yachtsman’s Point roads are privately owned by the YPHOA. Neither the county nor state have any responsibility for maintaining these roads. This is one reason why we take their maintenance so seriously. All repairs must be made through the YPHOA budget.
chevron_rightDo school buses stop within Yachtsman’s Point? No, they do not. Since our roads are not public, school buses are not allowed to enter the community. Check with your local school system on the designated pick-up location located near the entrances.
chevron_rightWhat is the road bond, and why do I have to pay it? The ARC reserves the right to assess a Surety Deposit/Road Bond ($2000) for any new construction, additions, renovations, tree removal, brush hogging, and clearing that has the potential to do damage to the roads. The ARC will make this assessment based on the type of equipment used and the duration and magnitude of work being performed. The ARC will conduct an inspection of the roadway, in the company of the owner and the building contractor at the time of the mandatory on-site meeting. Another inspection will be conducted and noted when the work is completed, and a final construction inspection is requested. The cost to repair any damage done to the roadway will be deducted from the road bond. If no repairs are needed, $1500 will be returned to the homeowner.It is important that the property owner makes sure that his/her builder and subcontractors understand the conditions of the road bond. Sufficient gravel/rock should be placed on the “working” driveway while a new house is under construction to prevent unwanted dirt and mud from being tracked onto the roads. The ARC reserves the right to request the property owner to have additional rock installed if ongoing tracking becomes an issue.
chevron_rightWhat public schools do children attend in Yachtsman's Point? Yachtsman’s Point is served by three public schools: Southmont Elementary, Central Davidson Middle School, and Central Davidson High School. It is important to note that Yachtsman’s Point’s road are private. They are not supported by state or county funds. Because of that, school buses do not enter the community.
Sheds/Storage Buildings
chevron_right I need a storage building in my yard. Are there any restrictions? Yes, the YPHOA has specific rules and approval process for the construction of sheds/storage buildings. Refer to the Architectural and General Property Rules and Requirements for information on this.
Signage and Flags
chevron_rightWhat types of signs or flags can be displayed? No billboards or signs of any description shall be displayed upon any lot with the exception of those approved by ARC.a. During the time of possessing a valid construction permit, the builder may display a business sign not greater than 24 x 24 inches. Sub-contractor and vendor signs are not permitted.b. All For Sale signs shall conform in size, shape and color (10” X 15.75” sign, dark green background, white lettering, placed on a white 4’ treated 2” X 4” post). Lettering is limited to:FOR SALE(Realtor or Owner’s Name)(Realtor or Owner’s Telephone Number)c. Open House for Sale signs may be posted one week prior to the Open House and removed at the end of the event.d. Feather flags and banners are permitted on the day of the Open House.e. Country and State flags, of size no greater than 4 x 6 feet and displayed with respect are permitted.f. All signs must be placed beyond the common area 20’ setback on the owner’s property to allow unimpeded grass cutting by contracted mower.g. The Board may remove signs and/or flags following events or if they do not meet community guidance.h. No signs are permitted within the road right-of-way. (DCCR, Article VI, f)
chevron_rightMay I display political signs on my property? Lot owners may display political signs not greater than 24 x 24 inches 45 days prior to an election, and signs must be removed within 7 days after the election.
chevron_rightCan I lease my home? No lot/home may be leased, rented, or let unless a written agreement in a form and content acceptable to the Board of Directors is approved and for a term of not less than 12 months. Any homeowner choosing to rent their home must notify the Board of Directors or management company within 10 days of the name(s) of the tenants, a description of their vehicle(s), and their phone number. Owners shall provide new occupants with a copy of the YPHOA DCCRs, Bylaws, and Community Rules. (DCCRs, Article VI, Section 1, x)
Tennis/Pickleball Courts
chevron_rightHow many pickleball courts do you have? We currently have four pickleball courts. Pickleball is more than just a "converted tennis court" at Yachtsman’s Point. The Yachtsman’s Point pickleball program is dynamic and active with:· Training events for new as well as experienced players.· Open court time for players of all levels.· And opportunities for regular organized play three days/week.
chevron_rightDo I have to schedule a tennis time? The Yachtsman’s Point tennis court is open year-round for resident play. You do not need to schedule playing time. Please be respectful of your playing time if there are others waiting to use the court.
chevron_rightAre there any court rules that I need to follow? Yes, there are. You can access them within the Governing Documents section of this website under the Amenity Rules tab
Trash Disposal
chevron_rightWhat are my options for disposing of trash? Commercial trash pick up is provided by Waste Industries/GFL Environmental at https://gflenv.com/336.668.3712.o Trash containers may not be placed on the street earlier than 5:00 p.m. on the evening preceding pick-up.o Empty containers must be removed from the street, as soon as possible after pick up, but not later than midnight of the day of pick-up.Free trash drop-off and recycling is available at the Southmont Recycle Center, 131 Avenue K, Lexington, NC 27292336-798-2731All trash containers should be stored out of sight, preferably in the garage or at the rear or side of your home with appropriate screening.
Tree Removal
chevron_rightI would like to take some trees out from around the house. Do I need permission? If so, from whom? Except within the building site (within 20’ of the main dwelling), no trees in excess of six (6”) inches in diameter at ground level may be removed from any lot without prior approval of the ARC. Exceptions will be made if removal is necessary for the drainage field, repair field, well site, or driveway. (DCCR, Article V, c) Trees and underbrush measuring less than six inches in diameter (measured 12 inches from the ground) may be removed without approval.For additional rules on tree removal, including tree removal on the buffer area 100’ from the lake, refer to the Architectural and General Property Rules and Requirements.
chevron_rightI am new to the neighborhood. What utility companies do I need to contact? Below is a list of common utility companies and providers. The YPHOA is merely offering these to assist those new to the area and cannot offer an endorsement of any company listed below.TVo Direct TV (AT&T) Satellite 1-800-531-5000 www.directtv.como Dish TV 1-800-258-3474 www.dish.comYou will need a clear sightline to the southwest sky to receive a signal for satellite service. There are a multitude of streaming options available such as Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix, Sling TV, etc.INTERNETWindstream, dba Kinetic* 1-877-969-2358 www.windstream.comTELEPHONEWindstream, dba Kinetic* 1-877-969-2358 www.windstream.com*These services are not available in Admirals Court. For these addresses, contact HughesNet at 1-855-603-7398, https://internet.hughesnet.comLandline – Voice Over Internet Platform (VOIP) – There are a multitude of providers, such as Grasshopper, Vonage, Verizon, AT&T, that should be compatible with your internet service. Best to check compatibility with your internet provider first!Mobile – AT&T, Verizon, Consumer Cellular and T Mobile all provide service, but this area has spotty reception. Some providers work better than others depending on where you live in the neighborhood. It’s best to ask your next-door neighbors what provider they use if they are pleased with the service.GASLexington Utilities 336-243-2489 https://www.lexingtonnc.govELECTRICEnergy United* 1-800-522-3793 https://www.energyunited.com*Admirals Court addresses use Lexington Utilities for electric and gas. The rest of the neighborhood uses Energy United for electric.TRASH DISPOSALCommercial:Waste Industries/GFL Environmental 336-668-3712 https://gflenv.com/Free Drop-Off:Southmont Recycle Center 336-798-2731 https://www.co.davidson.nc.us/Directory.aspx?did=40131 Avenue K, Lexington, NC 27292WATERDavidson Water 336-731-2341 https://www.davidsonwater.com/
Waterfront Property
chevron_rightHow do I find out about any restrictions associated with my waterfront property? Property owners with waterfront lots must comply with the requirements and restrictions of Cube Yadkin, Inc., a division of Cube Hydro Carolinas which monitors High Rock Lake environmental and wildlife activities. http://cubecarolinas.com/shoreline-management/Waterfront property owners shall:• Obtain a copy of Cube Yadkin’s Shoreline Management Plan (SMP).• Meet with a Cube Yadkin representative to determine the setback of 100 feet from the normal full pool elevation required for home construction, including decks and patios.• Ask the Cube Yadkin representative to measure and stake the official setback line.• Request Cube Yadkin’s permission to cut trees more than 6 inches in diameter on property above the 655 foot Cube Yadkin Datum elevation (Full Pond), within the 100’ buffer.• Have Cube Yadkin designate what can be done on their property - which is all lakefront property below the 655 foot Yadkin Datum elevation (Full Pond.)• Obtain a pier permit which can be applied for only when your house is under roof.• Obtain a permit for construction, shoreline stabilization, vegetation removal, dredging, shoreline clean-up, private irrigation systems, and vegetative plantings.Any activity within the buffer or lake bottom must also be submitted in writing and approved by the ARC. The ARC requires copies of all the permits received from Cube Yadkin. Violations of Cube Yadkin’s Shoreline Management Plan may result in the permanent loss of the property owner’s pier permit.
chevron_rightHow do I contact Cube Yadkin, Inc.? Below is Cube’s contact information:Cube Yadkin, Inc. PO Box 576Badin, NC 28009Point of Contact: Karen Baldwin 888-886-1063 or 704-422-5525
chevron_rightIn addition to the tree removal restrictions, what other restrictions apply to the 100-foot setback? As a condition of eligibility for private individual piers, shared piers, or use of, or private access to the setback and water, Cube requires satisfaction of the following minimum specifications for a 100-foot forested setback:1. All structures (including but not limited to buildings, houses, driveways, roof overhangs, decks, porches, patios, cantilevered decks, stairs, posts, columns, fences, retaining walls, landscaping walls, and gazebos) must be set back at least 100 feet from the reservoir shoreline.• 20-foot Construction Zone — A 20-foot-wide construction zone will be permitted to intrude into the 100- foot forested setback to accommodate construction. Vegetation may be removed in the construction zone, but that portion of the construction zone intruding into the setback must be revegetated upon completion of the construction.• Vegetation Removal — Vegetation removal on the adjoining property owner’s property is allowed within the 100-foot forested setback in accordance with Section III.A.5. No vegetation removal is allowed on the Cube-Managed Buffer without a written permit from Cube.2. A septic field or well will be allowed in the 100-foot forested setback to the extent that installation does not require removal of any vegetation other than as permitted in Section III.A.5, below. In addition, the 100-foot forested setback requirement does not apply to a pathway to a pier, an irrigation system, etc., that has been constructed pursuant to a written permit issued by Cube.3. A sitting area may be permitted within the 100-foot setback. The sitting area must be at ground level, must not exceed 200 square feet, and must have a pervious surface (e.g., pressure-treated wood, gravel, or uncemented brick, rock, stone, or paving blocks).4. Variances will be granted only when a lot is unbuildable.5. Vegetation in the 100-foot forested setback must be maintained as it existed prior to development. (Refer to tree guidelines earlier in this document.)6. Removal of any vegetation from any portion of the 100-foot forested setback within the Cube-Managed Buffer requires a written permit from Cube. Failure to secure a permit from Cube prior to removing any vegetation from the Cube-Managed Buffer, or removal in any manner other than as permitted by Cube, is subject to enforcement.7. In a permit to construct a private individual or shared pier (see the Yadkin Project Specifications for Private Recreation Facilities), Cube may allow movement or removal of identified lap trees where necessary for construction or installation of the facilities. In cases where movement or removal is necessary, Cube will require replacement of the lap trees along the same stretch of shoreline at a 2:1 replacement to removal ratio.8. For any lot in a new subdivision subject to the 100-foot forested setback requirement set forth above, the primary sanction for failure to comply with this requirement is a loss of eligibility for: (i) a private (individual or shared) permit within the Project Boundary (i.e., on a reservoir); and (ii) use of, or private access to the Project lands and waters across, the Cube-Managed Buffer.9. In no case may management of the 100-foot forested setback be inconsistent with the requirements of North Carolina’s watershed protection rules and county watershed protection ordinances.Be sure to refer to the Cube Shoreline Stewardship Policy for more specifics.http://cubecarolinas.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Yadkin-SMP-Appendix-G-Shoreline-Stewardship-Policy_RSA_Revised.pdf
chevron_rightWhat activities require a Cube permit? The following activities always require a written permit from Cube:• Construction — construction or modification (reconstruction, repairs, additions, or expansion) of any structures, roads, or access pathways in the reservoirs, along the shoreline within the Project Boundary, or on the Cube-Managed Buffer.• Shoreline Stabilization — construction, installation, or modification of riprap, retaining walls, or other forms of shoreline stabilization measures, including shoreline plantings.• Shoreline Alteration (Excavation and Fill) — removal, addition, or alteration of any natural features of the Project reservoirs, the shoreline within the Project Boundary, and the Cube-Managed Buffer, including sediment, soil and rock.• Vegetation Removal — removal of any vegetation, living or dead, in the reservoirs, along the shoreline within the Project Boundary, or on the Cube-Managed Buffer.• Shoreline Clean-up — removal of dead or fallen trees, “lap trees,” or other woody or natural debris that exists in the reservoirs, along the shoreline within the Project Boundary, or on the Cube-Managed Buffer.• Private Irrigation Systems — installation of new systems or transfer of existing irrigation systems.• Vegetative Plantings — planting of any vegetation, including but not limited to shrubs, hedges, flowering plants, native vegetation, etc., in the reservoirs, along the shoreline within the Project Boundary, or the Cube-Managed Buffer.Removal of floating debris and shoreline litter such as floating logs, paper, plastic, and other unnatural forms of garbage or debris, and the removal of trees or driftwood that poses an imminent threat to life or property do not require Cube approval as long as the method of removal complies with the other requirements of the Policy.
chevron_rightHow do I get a permit to build a pier? Property owners must obtain a written construction permit from Cube before starting to construct a new pier. An onsite meeting between the adjoining property owner and a Cube representative is mandatory before Cube will issue a construction permit. The property owner’s house must be under roof before a construction permit will be granted. Once constructed, private piers require a private recreation facility permit from Cube. Private recreation facility permits extend from May 1 through April 30 and must be renewed annually.
chevron_rightWhat if I need to make repairs or modifications to an existing pier? Modifications (reconstruction, additions, expansion, etc.) to existing piers also require a written construction permit from Cube. Repairs to an existing pier that require a building permit from the applicable County also require a written construction permit from Cube. Additional guidance may be obtained from Cube upon request.
chevron_rightHow do I register on the website? Only YPHOA members (Yachtsman's Point lot and/or home owners) will be granted access to the "member's-only" areas of the website. If you are a YPHOA member, this is how you can register for access to the "member's-only" areas.
- Click on “register” on the top right of the screen
- You will be asked some basic profile questions:
- First & Last Name (each adult family member should create their own account)
- Address – your street number and street name only
- Email address
- Show Profile – this is whether you wish to include your contact information in the YPHOA member directory. We strongly encourage you to opt in. The directory is only accessible to other YPHOA members – no one outside the YPHOA will have access to it. By doing so, it will facilitate communication among residents – one of our website’s key objectives. You will always have the ability to change these settings later, should you desire.
- Mobile Phone – this field is optional (must be entered with dashes: xxx-xxx-xxxx)
- Type of owner – this field is optional (click the down arrow to view the self-explanatory options)
- You will need to click on the Captcha button to confirm you are not a robot.
- Click on the continue button.
- That’s it! After completing the quick registration process, we will review your submission to verify you are a current YPHOA member and set up your access level.
- Once we have had a chance to review your registration form and assured your eligibility for secure website use, you will receive an approval email. The email will include your username and a link to set your password.
- If you don’t receive a confirmation email within 24-hours, please contact the webmaster.
chevron_rightI forgot my password; how do I reset it? Go to the home page. Click the Login link. Then click on the Forgot Password link. Enter your email address and click Submit.An email will be sent to your email to reset your password. You must complete your password reset within three hours, or you will need to repeat the process.
chevron_rightWhat is the difference between my User Profile and my Directory entry? Your User Profile is the information about you including your name, address, and email address. This is needed for your website registration. You have the option of providing additional profile information, such as your hobbies, occupation, etc. This information will only be viewable to the To add to your profile, click on "Your Profile" on the top right of the screen and then select "update profile".Your information will only be included in the Membership Directory if you opt-in ("show profile" is selected as your directory preference during registration). You can change this setting at any time by clicking on "my profile" on the top right of the screen and then selecting "update directory preferences". Here you can also select which types of profile information you wish to share. When making your selections, please remember that only YPHOA members are able to view the Member Directory and failure to opt-in may limit the ability of your neighbors to communicate with you. In all cases, it is forbidden for anyone to use your contact information for commercial purposes.